12 Practical Time Tricks for Daily Motivation

Hey, it’s Lee! For today’s #MotivationalMonday life hack, here are 12 ways to get you going to start the day, the week, or a task! You may proceed in reading the post or watch the video I’ve prepared for you.


I had a blast during today’s first ART OF STORYTELLING class. Today’s topic was about Sources and Inspiration and who better to start with is by looking at Neil Gaiman’s Writer’s Journey. Thus, I labeled the lesson: “OF GAIMAN, THE GRAVEYARD, AND THE GENIE.” I find it a nifty way to use Gaiman’s road to…

Announcing our Workshops for 2023

Wherever you are in the world, no matter how old you are, you’re always welcome to learn! Hey, it’s Lee and Happy New Year and new learnings! No NEED to MISS any class as our self-paced/group-paced workshops are based not only on your preferred schedule but allows rescheduling while taking up any of our classes….

6 Simple Savvy Saving Tips that Even Kids Can Do

One of the things, that I personally struggled with is Money Management. And if there’s one thing that this pandemic has taught me, I should not take things for granted especially money. I really should be wise regarding my money because I’m not getting any younger, and I want to be a better person who…

DIY Succulent Planting for Kids

There’s no time than today to let children love planting and appreciating nature. One way of doing that is by planting. However, the following process is so easy it could be done in one of your own events, as proven by the one I attended. The materials and process was actually was done first when…

How to Make the Easiest Advent Wreath

I know, I know, we are already in Laudate Sunday in just a few days. However, I don’t mind sharing this with you, yes you, my dear readers/viewers (YouTube Channel). Anyway, there’s still early for next year 🙂 Being a non-Arts and Crafts kind of person, I know my limitations, and I personally don’t like…